Benefits of Carb 10
You may be familiar with many of the popular sources for carbohydrates used post workout or intra workout such as high branched cyclic dextrin, maltodextrin, waxy maize, etc.. A new form of carbohydrate breaking on to the scene that is fast acting and very easy to digest. While these carbohydrates do a great job of shuttling nutrients into the muscle cells and replenish glycogen they cause an insulin spike, leaving you feeling lethargic and tired. Carb 10 offers all of the great properties of the others with more. However, there is no insulin spike. Over the years the thought that you need to spike insulin to shuttle nutrients into the muscle cells during or post workout some research shows that this may not be the case after all. Two different studies examined the impact of using fast acting carbs during and the post workout window (Anabolic Window). Carb 10 uses legume based starch that is derived from peas for its source of fast acting carbohydrates. While it is much like highly branched cyclic dextrin in the fact that both of them have low osmolality that helps speed up gastric emptying which helps prevent carbs from sitting around in your stomach which gives you that bloated feeling or a slower heavier feeling than you normally have. Carb 10 ensures that carbohydrate pass through your stomach and on to your intestines where they are then absorbed and shuttled into your muscles where they are needed to fuel. However while the two have many similarities the most glaring difference is that carb 10 does not cause a spike in insulin. Carb 10 had a 27% lower blood glucose response along with a 82% lower insulin spike. Carb 10 is showing that it will give you the strength to push heavier weights, quicker recovery, and fuller muscles without the insulin spike.